Sunday, May 3, 2015

Growth Mindsets

Have you had teachers or educational experiences that promoted a growth mindset, or in  your experience, were you mostly praised and rewarded for success and getting high grades?  How has your experience influenced your current outlook on life?
So far, I have had some teachers who push us to challenge with classmate during the lesson.Actually ,I think that it was effected our thinking way because it is like trying to reach a one point in a path.So ,we run through the that point with others. This is like debating on something. We force our brain to think and make evaluation on a subject to leave an impression on people who participate to debate with you.Hence,This may improve yourself. We was not rewarded or praised at the end of the discussion or  in any challenge. Maybe rare teacher would do this. I think that reward is on this that trying to push our-self on subject and think on it and take the advantages of them during the process.


  1. Anıl, I liked your aspect. You said your growth mindset developed by working with group members. But how can you develop it yourself, as individual? Is that possible for you? Thank you.

  2. I am happy to hear that you had more than one teacher who push you to challenge. The more teacher you have like that, the better you improve yourself.
    Thank you, Anıl.

  3. Hi Anıl, it is really nice that pushing students to challenge.My teachers also brave me to do something. It is better way to develop yourself. Thank you..

  4. Hi anıl, your teacher pushed you to challenge and you showed an effort to achieve and show yourself, so challenging can be an effective way to improve some skills.
