Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Designing instructional activities: differentiated instruction

I think that in our life, we always expose to take risk since without taking risk , in some way we cannot reach the our goals. I don't mean that taking risk without any control. You need be careful and evaluate the situation  whether it is proper or not before taking risk. Same strategies can apply in planning instruction.While teachers push their students to take risk ,they will understand and learn their strangeness side and they will have known what they are good. So  students can create their own road in proper way for their future plan or for their short plans. Risk gives opportunity to learn our talents, abilities and interests.
When I was high school, there was IT teacher who makes me encourage to do learn Information Technology and its Development and he helped to realize my visual ability and point of view on design process.Especially, for me ,this kind of approach of my teacher makes me feel powerful on my ability. The most effective thing in this point is being realized the skill I have by teacher by observing and applying different kind of materials to the classroom. So by taking risk ,I have learned to grow up and  learn new ideas about my self.

When I became a teacher, definitely,I will explain my students to choose whether to take risk or not. I will explain them the some of the advantages and disadvantages to them. Moreover,I will  underline that I am the supporter of taking risk.Because taking risk  will bring reward and success. 

“Love is always dangerous. To love is to hope you'll win it all while running the risk that you could lose it all. And sometimes it's also about accepting that there's a risk that you'll love more than you are loved.”
― Guillaume Musso,


  1. I am happy for you to realize your ability thanks to your teacher. It is hard to find that kind of teacher in our country. However, future teachers like us can change the education system and we can spread the idea of taking risk in a good manner. Thus, there will be more intelligent and sophistacated students in this world.

  2. In life taking risks sometimes has negative results but if we want to achieve our goals, we should take risks and make the results as possible as advantageous. How can you teach taking risks to your students? Do you have any method to teach them?

  3. Taking risks bring new thing to our life and we gain experience with the results even bad results. So I aggre with you , we should take risks when we became a teacher.

  4. I agree with you, Anıl. Without taking risk, we can not reach our goals. It is also good to give a chance to your students to pick taking risk or play safe staff after teaching the content.
