Friday, February 27, 2015

Qualities of my superteacher

One of the characteristics of my super teacher is to ask questions to students all time instead of giving them directly answer. He must be a clever and patient person . He should be a person who has forward thinking skills, and  a flexible person. If any kind of negative situation happens, he must not be afraid of  the result of situation. They should think that they can fix it soon.Moreover, he is able to understand  and realize background of  students  and their social and economic conditions. He must be a person who pays attention to be discipline.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do teachers actually make a difference to society?

I think that I am agree with that all teachers have big effect on society. No one can say ,no, they don't as teachers is roll model of society in terms of their personality and point of view ,especially students or young people pay attention their attitudes . So they are the big part of society changes. Thanks to the good education system and educated teacher, society will have contribution of educator and their knowledge. Teachers can show society to choose right and wrong things during the their learning period by teachers.One teacher can effect one person. That person can change all things we have in bad or good ways.

My Personal Statement

Why do you want to be a teacher?
Describe any experiences you have had working with children.
What do you hope to learn this year? By the time you graduate?

I want to be a teacher since I love teaching someone any kind of pieces of information which I am professional on it.And I know that the only way to have a peaceful world depends on the education. So that's why I prefer to  become a teacher. When I see the person who have learned something from me makes me so happy. When I see their eyes , I can feel  that  I am contributing  someones' personal development or knowledge.So far, I haven't experienced  with children. However,I know that I am good at observational learning so that I can understand their thoughts and ideas what they want or what they mean for any kind of subject.I hope that I will be having good experimental lessons during this year. I think that the more we practice with materials, the more we have experience with real world. I hope that there was no any kind  of exams during this course just homework and exercises and presentations because in my opinion, homework is way more effective to learn and improve a student.Thanks.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Refleciton 1

Do teachers actually make a difference to society?  Can you think of any examples from your personal experience?

Yes, I think that every teacher has ability and capability to direct or difference society currency as long as they improve and up to date their self and their point of view as many students see teachers as  a model. They try to be like them.So this shows that teacher has big effect on society.For example,When I was high school, one of my teacher effected me on the importance of having a good social relationships. His suggestion was about "balance on social relationship". This was totally true approach for me. He reshaped my idea about social relationships.

Testing animoto(My Teaching Philosophy)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Teaching Beliefs


I am a second year student at METU NCC. My department is Computer Education and Instructional Technology.As my department pays attention on the technology, one of the requirements of being effective teacher is to keep up with new technological improvements to enhance their teaching methods in classrooms so that students can understand the concept of lesson easily.As far as I have learned and experienced from my previous teachers, teachers who use technology in appropriate way is more way successful to transfer information through the students during the lessons.This shows that they have to synthesize with technology and their educational background and follow new technology.By doing this, teachers can help the learning process of students.

According to the my teaching beliefs, student centered teaching method is an effective learning model for me instead of  giving directly information through the student since they will evaluate and decide what to do with their own ideas.When we provide them information all the time, they will get used to wait for new information. On the other hand, the more we push them to create or build their own ideas , the more we take original and unique  ideas from them. 

During my education, as far as I do, I will be improving myself to be effective teacher by comparing the point of view of my old teachers.