Friday, May 15, 2015

Changing the Educational Paradigm

Do you agree with the changes in the educational paradigm that Ken Robinson suggests? Do you think it is possible to make changes to the current system of education in your country? What do you think you would be able to do as an individual teacher in any process of changing the current educational paradigm?  Write up your reflections in your blog.

I agree with the changes in educational paradigm which Ken Robinson has mentioned on the right side. However, In Turkey, I may not be possible because of some political problems. Every government after elections ,they go to the revolution on education without doing deep research on how it to be a model of educational system and most of them results with a fail. That's why before changes of current educational system , Turkey should choose right minister of education. So I think that it will take time to have a good educational system in my country. As a teacher candidate, if I would be a teacher, I would apply students the current educational system tools . And  also ,I would provide them from worldwide view educational method.Moreover, as a teacher ,I would improve my self in educational point of view as worldview and follow world news and improvement on education not just local education approach which  belong to own country.Lastly ,I would contribute to my students by taking worldview approach on education.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Research Question

Do teachers pay attention to the participation of students to the currency of lesson and give them chance to be demonstrated their tasks or content of the subject by students?How participation is important for students ?

Many people who has been studying for a long time has an experience and idea about his or her learning style or how they have learned in proper way.Moreover, during the their educational process ,they have been facing with many different teachers and teaching styles.In this research , I have been touching the importance of the students participation on lessons and its effects on students and teachers.I would like to start with my experiences, I have been a student for fifteen years.I think that I can learn the any subject by experiencing it and participating the lesson and do myself it.Probably other students learn more when information is demonstrated to them, they will understand easily. For example, when I was at high-school, we had been experiencing what we had learned almost in every lesson. We cannot say that there is one student who did not participate and demonstrate in any part of lesson. This high school was technical high school. So the experiment and demonstration of lesson was important for students learning process. Now I study at Middle East Technical University.However, even though it is the one of most successful university in Turkey, Still the participation of students and demonstration is not quite important. For example, there are lots of foreign  students who study are asking question and participating lessons ,but Turkish students are not participating lesson so much.So ,in this part ,how teacher can push them to ask questions and rise the participation of the students to the lesson?and do teachers pay attention to the issue? Because , I think that the more you  participate and demonstrate the lessons ,the better learning will occur.


I have found some sources on the importance of participation.As I have mentioned participation is quite remarkable issue in education period.
Sources indicates that participation can develop new skills like debating, group decision making. Students can understand how decision should be made and how they can contribute to the discussions.Students can develop self confidence and better relationship with teachers, and other classmates.They will be more motivated when they increase their participation.As video shows , saying your opinion to the public is quite important to take rood in developing your personality.

Finally ,how I did my action research is that first ,I have an idea on this question and compared  the others opinion on this subject and lastly, I found some sources which they are underlying the important points.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Growth Mindsets

Have you had teachers or educational experiences that promoted a growth mindset, or in  your experience, were you mostly praised and rewarded for success and getting high grades?  How has your experience influenced your current outlook on life?
So far, I have had some teachers who push us to challenge with classmate during the lesson.Actually ,I think that it was effected our thinking way because it is like trying to reach a one point in a path.So ,we run through the that point with others. This is like debating on something. We force our brain to think and make evaluation on a subject to leave an impression on people who participate to debate with you.Hence,This may improve yourself. We was not rewarded or praised at the end of the discussion or  in any challenge. Maybe rare teacher would do this. I think that reward is on this that trying to push our-self on subject and think on it and take the advantages of them during the process.